Sage Erickson is all smiles! Yesterday she won the Sisstrevolution Central Coast Pro the first WSL QS 3,000 event of the year.

Avoca Beach offered up 3-4 foot bumpy right-handers and Sage seemed ready for anything dominating every heat she surfed. Having fallen off the elite Championship Tour at the end of 2018, this 3000-point boost will go along way to getting Sage back where she belongs in 2020. Solid new beginnings for Sage and Sisstrevolution.

"I'm so happy right now," Erickson commented to the WSL media crew. "I've never competed in a QS3,000 so to finally get to one and win feels so good. This is such an important step for me in terms of re-qualifying. I spent a lot of time over the off-season thinking about competing less and just doing surf trips but knew I would miss competing to much and this really solidifies my decision to compete heavily on the QS this year. My boyfriend lives here on the Central Coast so I really feel at home here and love my time here and feel comfortable. I'm really excited for the next few events at Newcastle and Manly and hope I can continue this roll."

But what about 16-year-old Sara Wakita's breakthrough performance!

She hadn't made it past the early rounds of a QS event but has now. She showed off the strongest performances of her career, even taking down CT competitor Bronte Macaulay. Wakita is now sitting at 5th on the QS rankings.

"I would have liked to have been a bit more competitive in the Final but I'm so stoked with this result," Wakita told WSL media. "I've never surfed against top seed surfers in a QS so this has been such awesome experience for me and will definitely help me moving forward. This is by far the best result of my career so I'm so happy and can't wait for the next events in New South Wales."

Sisstrevolution is thrilled to have supported these women at their first QS 3,000 and again soon at the Syndey Pro QS 6,000.

More soon x